

nihdffnihdff时间2024-06-16 07:08:46分类购物浏览37
导读:大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于美国人的购物的问题,于是小编就整理了1个相关介绍美国人的购物的解答,让我们一起看看吧。介绍购物app的英语作文?介绍购物app的英语作文?Dear Jack,I'm writing to recommend a convenient app where I h……...


  1. 介绍购物app的英语作文?


Dear Jack,

I'm writing to recommend a convenient *** where I h***e bought vegetables several times for my family. The pictures are as follows.


Firstly, it's a practical ***. It can give you the recommended vegetables according to your preference. You can collect your f***ourite vegetables. What's more, the tracking information can be checked on the ***. The whole process is like shopping on line but the speed is faster. If you order vegetables in the morning you can receive them in the afternoon.

So I strongly recommend it to you. I believe you'll fall in love with the wonderful ***. I would be glad if it's helpful to you.



Li Hua

Shopping is a very h***y thing, shopping.

Means: buy goods. In short, it is the beh***ior or way people buy all kinds of goods, including physical and virtual goods.For many people, shopping is a leisure activity.


You can go to different stores to buy products. At the same time, the so-called "window shopping" has emerged, which means browsing the goods in the shop window may not really buy. But for some people, shopping can be troublesome.

For example, some people are addicted to shopping, that is, the so-called Shopaholic. These shoppers' uncontrolled shopping may cause personal and social problems.



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